

Friday, January 6, 2017

Bujo January Weekly

Hello Again!

I have completed my version of the January Weekly logs.

First, you may notice that my weeks are from M-S. For me it is easiest, to think of the weekend at the END of the week together.

Second, I have left a few elements empty so that you can personalize it however you would like!

***January Weekly***

Thanks for sharing this journey with me!!


Thursday, January 5, 2017

January Calendar

Hello Fellow Bujo Enthusiasts, 

Day 5 and I am still on track with my New Year's Resolution!!! Go me! 

Today, I was able to create a January Page. 

I am trying to keep all my designs relatively simple (black and white). I want to give each person the opportunity to color and doodle these pages to make them their own. Also who knows if everyone has a color printer?! lol

Notes: Page 1 is always blank, so that the pages will print how I designed it. (as a spread)

Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

BUJO: Future Log

BUJO is short for Bullet Journal. (It took me a while to figure that out)

If you check pinterest, there are a lot of creative ideas and designs already in circulation.

Being into DIY and cutesy things, I am all about the this phenomenon. For my New's Years Resolution, I started a handmade BUJO. I am realizing that it is a laborious and a time intensive commitment. (Being Inspired. Hunting Down Designs. Drawing them all out. )

Therefore, my second New Year's Resolution is to create a digital BUJO and make it accessible to everyone else.

Cheers to a New Year and New BUJO!!


***Future Log 2017***

(Please comment and share if you downloaded the file! Just want to know the demand)

Sitknee Logo

Sitknee Logo